About EXIM Banks : Promoting National Exports

In the realm of international trade, Export-Import (EXIM) Banks play a pivotal role in facilitating economic growth and fostering global partnerships. As Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), EXIM Banks are specialised financial institution that operate at the intersection of government policy and international trade, aiming to boost a country’s exports and enhance its economic competitiveness.

Roles of EXIM Banks:

  1. Facilitating Export Financing: EXIM Banks provide financial support to domestic businesses involved in exporting goods and services. They offer various financing options, including loans and credit facilities, to help businesses overcome the challenges associated with international trade, such as payment risk and fluctuating currency values.
  2. Risk Mitigation: International trade involves inherent risks, including political instability, currency fluctuations, and non-payment by foreign buyers. EXIM Banks step in to mitigate these risks by offering insurance and guarantees to exporters. This assurance encourages businesses to explore new markets and expand their global footprint.
  3. Market Research and Information: EXIM Banks often conduct extensive market research to provide exporters with valuable insights into global market trends, demand patterns, and competitor analysis. This information equips businesses with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about market entry and product positioning.
  4. Trade Promotion: To stimulate export activities, EXIM Banks actively engage in trade promotion initiatives. They collaborate with industry associations and government bodies to organize trade fairs, exhibitions, and promotional events that connect exporters with potential overseas buyers.

Operations of EXIM Banks:

  1. Financing Mechanisms: EXIM Banks offer a range of financing mechanisms tailored to the specific needs of exporters (in some cases they provide lines of lines to importers for goods originating from their jurisdictions). These may include direct loans, working capital guarantees, and export credit insurance. These financial tools aim to alleviate the financial constraints that businesses often face when venturing into international markets.
  2. Government Collaboration: EXIM Banks typically operate with close ties to the government, aligning their activities with national economic policies. This collaboration ensures that the bank’s initiatives align with the broader goals of enhancing economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and strengthening the country’s position in the global market.
  3. Credit Risk Management: Managing credit risk is a core function of EXIM Banks. Through credit insurance and guarantees, they protect exporters from the potential default of overseas buyers, giving businesses the confidence to explore new markets and expand their customer base.
  4. Technology Adoption: In the digital age, EXIM Banks leverage technology to streamline their operations and enhance the efficiency of their services. Online platforms and digital tools facilitate smoother communication between exporters, banks, and regulatory authorities, reducing processing times and improving overall customer experience.

While the aforementioned operations are carried out by EXIM Banks, some Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) have developed a similar expertise as part of their mandate.

In conclusion, EXIM Banks serve as a cornerstone in promoting international trade and economic development. By providing financial support, mitigating risks, and fostering global connections, these institutions contribute significantly to the growth and prosperity of nations in the interconnected world of commerce.

List of EXIM Banks by countries

List from the first database on Public Development Banks (PDBs)

National institutions (including officials ECAs involved in OECD’s Export Credit Group).

  1. Australia – Export Finance Australia (EFA)
  2. Austria – OeKB (part of OeKB Group)
  3. Belgium – Credendo
  4. Canada – Export Development Canada (EDC)
  5. China – The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank)G-NEXID Member
  6. China – China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE)
  7. Colombia – Colombia Bank of Foreign Trade (BANCOLDEX)
  8. Czech Republic – Czech Export Bank (CEB)
  9. Czech Republic – Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (EGAP)
  10. Denmark – Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO)
  11. Dominican Republic – National Export Bank (BANDEX)
  12. Egypt – Export Development Bank of Egypt (EDBF)
  13. Estonia – AS KredEx Krediidikindlustus
  14. Finland – FINNVERA
  15. France – Bpifrance Assurance Export
  16. Germany – KfW Ipex-Bank
  17. Ghana – Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM)G-NEXID Member
  18. Greece – Export Credit Insurance Organization Greece (ECIO)
  19. Hungary – EXIM Hungary
  20. India – Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM BANK) – G-NEXID Member
  21. Indonesia – Indonesia Eximbank (IEB) G-NEXID Member
  22. Iran – Export Development Bank of Iran (EDBI)
  23. Iran – Export Guarantee Fund of Iran (EGFI)
  24. Israel – The Israel Foreign Trade Risks Insurance Corporation (ASHRA)
  25. Italy – Italian Export Credit Agency (SACE)
  26. Japan – Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)
  27. Jamaica – National Import-Export Bank of Jamaica (EXIM Bank Jamaica)
  28. Kazakhstan – KazakhExport (KECIC)
  29. Korea – Export Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM)
  30. Korea – Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE)
  31. Latvia – Development Finance Institution Altum (JSC)
  32. Lithuania – Investicijų ir veslo garantijos (INVEGA)
  33. Luxembourg – Office du Ducroire – Luxembourg Export Credit Agency (ODL)
  34. North Macedonia – Development Bank of North Macedonia (DBNM)
  35. Malawi – Export Development Fund (EDF)
  36. Malaysia – Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (NEXIM)
  37. Mexico – National Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOMEXT)
  38. Myanmar – Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank (MFTB)
  39. Netherlands – Atradius Dutch State Business (Atradius DSB)
  40. New Zealand – Export Credit Office (ECO)
  41. Nigeria – Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM)G-NEXID Member
  42. Norway – Export Kredit Norway (EksportKreditt)
  43. Oman – Export credit Guarantee Agency of Oman (ECGA)
  44. Poland – The Export Credit Insurance Corporation Joint Stock Company (KUKE)
  45. Portugal – Credit Insurance Company (COSEC)
  46. Romania – Romania Exim Bank (EXIMro)
  47. Saudi Arabia – Saudi Export-Import Bank (Saudi EXIM Bank) – G-NEXID Member
  48. Serbia – Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency (AOFI)
  49. Slovakia – Export-Import Bank of Slovakia (EXIMBANKA)
  50. Spain – Export Credit Insurance Company (CESCE)
  51. Sweden – Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK)
  52. Sweden – The Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN)
  53. Switzerland – Swiss Export Risk Insurance (SERV)
  54. Thailand – Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand) G-NEXID Member
  55. Turkiye – Export Credit Bank of Türkiye (Türk Eximbank)
  56. Ukraine – The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine (Ukreximbank)
  57. USA – Export Import Bank of USA (EXIM USA)
  58. Uzbekistan – National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity (NBU)
  59. Venezuela – Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOEX)

Multilateral institutions

  1. African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) G-NEXID Member
  2. Arab Trade Financing Program (ATFP)
  3. Foreign Trade Bank of Latin America (Bladex Inc.)
  4. International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC)
  5. InterState Bank


Xu, Jiajun, Régis Marodon, Xinshun Ru, Xiaomeng Ren, and Xinyue Wu. 2021. “What are Public Development Banks and Development Financing Institutions?——Qualification Criteria, Stylized Facts and Development Trends.”China Economic Quarterly International, volume 1, issue 4: 271-294. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceqi.2021.10.001