Held on 10 and 11 November 2021, the 16th Annual General Assembly featured two major activities: the statutory meetings (the 2021 Second Steering Committee Meeting and the 2021 Annual General Assembly), and a webinar and dialogue on ‘Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in transport infrastructure and logistics: recent developments and role of development banks/finance institutions”-
Benefiting from the presence of 9 G-NEXID members and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Assembly re-elected the Honorary President (Mr Lawrence Agyinsam, CEO of Ghana EXIM Bank) and the Honorary Treasurer (Mr Sydney O. Vanderpuye, Head of Accounting & Finance at EBID), adopted the work programme and budget for 2022, and deliberate on the membership drive.
The webinar on “Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in transport infrastructure and logistics: recent developments and role of development banks/finance institutions” benefited from the high-level expertise of a Senior UNCTAD consultant, the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI), the World Association of PPP Units and professionals (WAPPP) and the Nigerian’s Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC).
The speakers addressed 4 key issues:
- The role of development banks/finance institutions in PPS in transport & logistics
- The use of investment insurance in enhancing bankability of transport infrastructure, as well as cooperation between development bank and others in the context of PPPs
- PPPs in port concessions development, challenges and potential pitfalls
- The role of PPPs in Nigeria’s transport infrastructure and logistics.
As result from the consultations for the elaboration for the work programme for 2022, PPPs and transport logistics will continue to focus members’ attention for months ahead in subsequent webinars.